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We've always got your back with virtual care

The Ibis Health Program supports your whole health by providing you with a personalized at-home care platform, round-the-clock monitoring, and one-to-one monthly support, turning the home into the first point of access for day-to-day healthcare. 


The Ibis Health program is fully covered by Medicare Part B and all Medicare supplemental insurance and many Medicare Advantage plans are also accepted. 

Supporting you to manage your health and do the things you enjoy

Learn more about the Ibis Health program

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94% of Ibis Health members recommend the program

Does Ibis Cost Anything?

No! Ibis’s remote Telehealth services are 100% covered by Medicare Part B and supplemental Medicare plans.


Do I Have To Change My Doctor?

No! We work with you and all of your doctors to make sure that they have your complete medical information so that everyone is focused on your care.


I’m Healthy Now - Do I Need Ibis?

Yes! We empower you to take charge of your day-to-day wellness so you can stay healthy and continue to do the activities you love.

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